Let's give someone a very happy holiday - Vote for Knitter of the Month!
We had lots of great submissions in November - all of these knitters are very talented and friends of UPP! Check out their projects and then vote for your favorites at the bottom! The winner will get a guest spot on the blog and a free skein of yarn!
Erika Mosley
Doll hat out of Superwash Merino DK in Hummingbird
At the Maryland Alpaca Breeders show, we met a lovely young lady whose mom owned a yarn shop - Jolene at Cloverhill Yarn Shop. Even though she is in grade school, Erika is already an accomplished knitter. She looked long and hard and finally found just the perfect skein of yarn to make a hat for her American Girl Doll, and just a few days later, sent me this pic. Erika, I am sure great things are in your future!
Jean Hogle
Travelling Woman out of Chicory Diva Sock
June Bunnies Shawl out of Chives Diva Sock
Jean has been a long time friend of UPP and is a prolific knitter. She is currently taking her Master Knitter Certification from the TKGA. Jean is frequently found at the local Roanoke yarn shops including Yarn Explosion. Thanks for your constant support, Jean!
Cat Leonard
A Hat for All Seasons (coincidentally by Jackie Murton, our next entrant) in Dragon Twisty Aran
If you knit in the Roanoke/Blacksburg area, you undoubtably know Cat's friendly face. She is an accomplished knitter and all-around nice person. Cat has been supportive of Unplanned Peacock since the beginning. Cat is the most creative wordsmith I've ever met and is behind the funniest product reviews on our site.
Jackie Murton
At Autumn's End Set in Sunset Superwash Merino Sport
Wallflower Legwarmers in Snakeroot DK
Jackie officially gets the longest running streak of being nominated for knitter of the month - because she's just taken off with her designs! This month she has designed the cutest set for the youngster in your life. Both of these patterns were designed with her niece in mind, who is taking dance lessons and braving the Pennsylvania winters. Jackie's patterns can be found on Ravelry.
Joanna Roye
Espiritismo out of Seance Twisty Sock (available in 2013)
Joanna is a knitting pattern designer, who is also a librarian. She is at the website Made with Sticks. She has been one of the designers for the 2012 Victorian Vintage Yarn Club, plus she has many other unique patterns on Ravelry. This design is one of our club designs, it will be available for purchase in 2013.
Pick out your favorites! Show these wonderful knitters that you appreciate their hard work by voting for them!
If you are interested in entering Unplanned Peacock's Knitter of the Month (or spinner, or crocheter, or weaver) contest, just email sheep AT unplannedpeacock.com a picture with permission to put it on our website, and the pattern and yarn name. You may win a free skein of yarn!