Congratulations, Tonya Willett - Knitter of the Month!
Tonya in her Forever Scarf out of UPP fingering in a one of a kind color way
Tonya is an amazing knitter. I've met her numerous times at fiber festivals and yarn shops in NC and she always shows me her amazing new projects! Tonya has been kind enough to contribute pictures to our site. Here's what she says about her knitting and crocheting life:
"My name is Tonya, I've been crocheting for about 20 years and knitting for about 10. I taught myself to crochet from a book when I was pregnant with my oldest son, who is now almost 20, a baby blanket that I still have. I always wanted to knit but ended up being a single mother of two boys with a full time job and not much time but I really loved the look of knitting, especially socks. In 2003 I came down with 'Cogan's Syndrome' leaving me completely deaf and bedridden for months. I got myself a book, a ball of sock yarn and some dpn's (this was before the day and age of 'magic loop') and swore at everything for about 2 days and finally produced a sock. (who starts knitting by learning socks from a book? I had no idea what I was doing!) I knitted socks like crazy, drawers full. For me, for the kids, for the neighbors, friends, socks, socks, socks. Then someone said to me 'why don't you knit other things?'. I didn't really have a good answer and that kind of prompted me to broaden my horizons and start knitting everything, also expanding my obsession. Now I knit everything, all the time. I'm only slightly deaf now (I have a cochlear implant), and not bedridden anymore. I just went back to school in January along with having another son, making for a total of 3, ranging in ages from 4 to almost 20. To say I'm busy would be an understatement but I always make sure I find a little time at least to knit every day and try to get in at least one good knitting day a week to keep my sanity. It is a dream to eventually play around with dying as well but where I live right now doesn't provide me with the area I need to explore that so I will settle for expanding my stash and knitting as fast as I possibly can. Feel free to add me or check out my projects on Ravelry: Tmarie2009. =)"
Here are some of Tonya's projects:
Socks out of Sun Conure
Socks out of Bluegrass
Midsummer Night's Socks out of Lime
Quincy Q Monster by Rebecca Danger out of Winter Peacock Sock